║    Journal Entry Formatting    ║
║            Workflow            ║
Posted: 2025-02-15 8:36:39 PM
Updated: 2025-02-15 8:58:41 PM


Trying new journal entry format: ASCII plain text. Moving away from non-ASCII plain text, Markdown, and LaTeX. Example entries for demonstration. 


To create the interesting and accessible ASCII look without sacrificing efficiency and speed, various shortcuts were run through Autohotkey and Visual Studio Code's keybindings.json. Text is first written as is, before it is selected and wrapped (also word-wrapped) in a box with standard width through Ctrl+Shift+i (eye). Overall, the content formatting workflow goes as follows. 


1st, I write the title, select it, and use Ctrl+Shift+G to wrap it in a 34-character-width centered word-wrapped box. 2ndly, I use Ctrl+Shift+J to type "Posted: [Current date and 12-hour time AM/PM]". 3dly, I write the body text one white line below the creation date, after which I select it and press the aforementioned Ctrl+Shift+i (eye). This wraps the body in a 64-character-width word-wrapped box. 4thly, if what I wrote took longer than usual, I press enter below the creation date and use Ctrl+Shift+K to type "Updated: [Current date and 12-hour time AM/PM]" 

I also add the vertibal bar "|" to connect visually the metadata (the date) and the body box. Since I regularly go back to expand entries written minutes or hours ago, I don't actually box the body text, because editing the text would break apart the ASCII box walls. This is why I only do it when I am publishing online inside the HTML tag "<pre>", which is necessary for preserving spaces and line breaks used to create the ASCII boxes.

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